When we were leaving Glacier National Park we encountered this herd of horses on the road. Some of them had brands but they were just hanging out in the road so we thought they might have escaped or been let free. I heard the last wild horses in America are in Montana too. No idea, but it was amazing driving by them and seeing their beauty. One of the coolest things I've ever seen.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
"Wild" Horses leaving Glacier National Park
When we were leaving Glacier National Park we encountered this herd of horses on the road. Some of them had brands but they were just hanging out in the road so we thought they might have escaped or been let free. I heard the last wild horses in America are in Montana too. No idea, but it was amazing driving by them and seeing their beauty. One of the coolest things I've ever seen.
Hailstorm at Klamath Lake in Oregon
From Seattle to Chicago
Our amazing hosts in Seattle in the Montana Collective. Such warm-hearted and welcoming people...can't wait to go back and visit them. Montanans, you are always welcome on San Diego! We had a great time at the Summer Solstice party and seeing such love and positive energy in the Northwest. Much love.
After leaving Seattle, we headed straight for Glacier National Park. One of the most beautiful places I've ever seen in my life.
Pictures from Glacier National Park:
Some amazing falls powered by the snow runoff from the Glaciers. I'd guess there were thousands of tons of water flowing through per second...wouldn't want to fall in
A little rep for our blog and Reclaim Together (coming soon...a place to collaborate on projects)
Badass construction worker on the mountain pass
Some of the falls coming off the glacier
Topographical map of Glacier National Park
Cool panorama shot of the road down the mountain
Awesome hill that we trekked up and grabbed some glacier water. Best water I've tasted in my life...I'll try to upload the video of us sliding down the hill.
This park ranger was so cool...it was like watching a history channel special talking to him.
Continental Divide
Grizzly Bears have some big-ass paws. We didn't see any unfortunately but we did manage to see some Bighorn Sheep from pretty close
Lake on the edge of Glacier National Park
Horses on the road leaving Glacier. They looked like some of them had brands but they were just chilling on the road which made me think that they were runaways or "wild". It was a beautiful moment driving by them on our way out.
Hard to see here, but me channeling my best Amish at the gas depot in west Wisconsin
We're in Chicago now staying with some more awesome hosts from Occupy Chicago.
Glacier National Park
Wow what a day. We drove through the night from seattle and got to glacier around 6am. After eating breakfast at the lake I promptly passed out in the back seat and when I woke up 20 minutes later I saw the glaciers and towering mountains above the pass.
We spent about 15 hours cruising around the park today...i am at a loss of words for the beauty I saw today. We drank glacier water straight from natural springs, got close to powerful falls, and witnessed a world that was so pristine and untouched and nothing but smiles and waves from others out there.
More pictures to come!

We spent about 15 hours cruising around the park today...i am at a loss of words for the beauty I saw today. We drank glacier water straight from natural springs, got close to powerful falls, and witnessed a world that was so pristine and untouched and nothing but smiles and waves from others out there.
More pictures to come!
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Showers in Portland
It's amazing to experience the change of social perspective as we travel north. People are getting more talkative, more eco-conscious, and less in their own worlds. It's a breath of fresh air. We just left Portland, heading for a couch-surfing spot in Seattle before night really sets in. It's amazing, sunset's not until around 9:30, so there's a lot of extra time to take in the sights.
Portland was great. It's a beautiful city, and we had amazing hosts. We stayed with Dave's aunt and uncle, and they welcomed us in the warm way family does. We went to the huge Farmer's Market that Dave's Uncle Hank suggested this morning and picked up some candy cap mushrooms - got a tip from the vendor about a gorgeous route through North Dakota. He's from there, so maybe we'll take the advice. We had an amazing homemade mushroom ice cream back in Crescent City, and we're hoping to recreate the deliciousness. Imagine pralines and cream if it had a smooth texture, kind of a caramel-maple-vanilla flavor. It's not what you'd expect from a mushroom.
We ran into Paul Seif from the Gifford Pinchot Task Force who's fundraising to stop mining that will pollute the Green River in Washington (which feeds something like 4 other rivers). It'll totally destroy the water supply in Longview (yep, same one from the port shutdown) and the area around it. They stopped it the last time a corporation tried to rape the area, and hopefully will again. If you're down to help out, email him at paul@gptaskforce.org. Donations can be made through the website, and Paul said that's more of what they need. The Bureau of Land Management is only accepting public comment from people living in the directly-affected areas, so they need more donations than anything else unless you have an address that the BLM will accept.
We checked in with Occupy Portland last night and found out they have a 300-person classroom as their mainstay. Apparently it's helped them get a lot more work done. They've got it set up with all of the hardware you need to roll out whatever work you need to do, and are talking about an OccuFest and other fundraisers to buy a house or something to expand the possibilities. We ran into a few groups from OLA as we wandered around, and instantly we each recognized the other. This community runs deeper than even we know, and it's refreshing.
Most of today was spent in the ridiculously, awesomely huge wonder that is Powell's Books. That place is a mecca for geeking out. Dave got to get some work done in the cafe while Doc and I got lost in the racks of sustainability reference. Now we definitely have more books to read on this trip than we'll have time to read them. It's a good problem to have.
Tonight we'll hit up some local dive bar in Seattle to see some no-name band and crash at a collective house that Dave found. I know he promised pictures and videos while we were in Portland, but honestly we stayed out late with one of Doc's Marines at Deschutes Brewery. We all had locally-sourced elk burgers and some awesome brews, smoked too many cigarettes, and stayed out late in the streets of Portland having awesome conversations.
Good times, Portland. You're a pretty chill place.
Friday, June 22, 2012
First couple days...more to come.
Hello from Chiloquin, Oregon!!!!
We're sitting in front of the campfire here and finally got the computer hook-up to fill you all in :)
Wow what a couple of days...words wouldn't do it justice so I'm going to put up some pictures of our adventures! We'll be uploading some cool video and more pictures from Doc's iPad tomorrow when we're in Portland. Thanks for the love and comments and support :)
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Blog is up!
We're in Davis right now hanging out with the fam, BBQing, and planning tomorrow's route. Tomorrow we plan on seeing Clear Lake, the Northern California Coast, and the Redwoods. Doc suggested we wake up at 5:30 AM to leave...I just checked and we have enough coffee to make that happen so looks like it'll be an early departure tomorrow. For now it's enjoying family and BBQ and the comfort of home before we set off on our adventure!
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